Life is beautiful and filled with positivity. We have the freedom to choose our perceptions and feelings~ Many settle for “good enough” instead of continuously improving to be a better version. Nonetheless, imperfect progression is better than perfection imagined.

Yesterday had only 1.5 hrs sleep in the attic & didn’t sleep until in flight. It was too cold & tight seating to maintain a decent sleep. After arriving at Hanoi airport, installed a new sim to begin our journey.

Firstly we need to quickly resolve to get to our first destination — Sapa. Decided to take Grab to the bus company as a walk-in. To our amazement, the bus was converted to a sleeping bunk. VND750k (appx RM80) sharing one super-single bunk to travel one way. We almost slept throughout the 5.5hrs journey. It was a bit of torture for Yen with the bunk length. Arrived in Sapa town at 330pm to first sorted with lunch.

We took a stroll around the town to see the market and crossed several streets to check out the local environment. After that, we went to look for a motor rental which is located in the local housing area on the hillside.

We found it to rent for 24hrs at VND250k semi-auto. Then we began to head towards our booked accommodation Eco Hill Homestay at TaVan. Hilly roads with bad conditions were challenging. Almost half an hour later, I realized I’d led the wrong way towards the opposite direction. Yen responded with a bit of grumpiness. We finally arrived at the accommodation around 615pm.

This room has a king-sized bed attached with a private bathroom, overlooking the valley by the hillside. It’s a unique experience with the stay, which now reminded me of our initial motive of paying a high price to get this room.

After washed up, we went back to Sapa town for dinner. Refill 1.5L petrol at vnd38k (RM8) Probably it’s the exhaustive long weekend with work and travel which caused both of us caught up in less ideal emotions.

Dinner was alright at “Restaurant Little Vietnam” but pricier than what I’d expect to pay for a dinner. Then we entered a shop to find out that Northface winter gears are extremely cheap here. Yen got a winter jacket at vnd300k (appx RM65) only. That good buy put him in a better mood for the rest of this evening.

We continued to explore this part of the town by foot. Had chestnuts and coffee by the roadside. By the time we returned was already 1215am. Almost forced entering the wrong room because all lodge looks identical.

Calling the night off at 2am. Thankfully the room is equipped with heat lamp to overcome the cold temperature.


Setback & Overcome / Lesson 1. Both of us had our moments of unpleasantness throughout the day but we made little barge to escape confrontational outbreaks. In hindsight, if either one of us had counted on our gratitude could have resolved the tensions sooner.


Today’s Positivity (Achievement & Gratitude)
1. I’m thankful that today’s travel to multiple destinations was sound and smooth. Travel plan aligns with planning with additional positive experiences too.

2. I’m thankful that Yen had almost paid for this trip entirely. I’m acknowledging for his effort and intentions to provide us a memorable holiday. I see it, I’m happy, I appreciate it very much.

3. If not because of Yen’s present, i might have paid more than expected for accomplishing certain itinerary. Moreover, i wouldn’t have seen so much of this cities because I’m mostly too lazy to walk. I’m thankful that he’s sharing this unique experiential day with me.

4. I’m thankful that Yen waited til i finished shower to offer a massage. Knowing he’s ald tired but good to know that he cares.


Tomorrow’s Key Goals
1. Fansipan
2. Travel to next destination — Hagiang.

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